
Andreessen Invests in the field of Cybersecurity compress

Andreessen Invests in the field of Cybersecurity compress

Venture-capital compress Andreessen Horowitz is introduction its second-biggest consider increasingly on an unheralded tool pro corporate-technology departments.

The compress, recognized pro assistance Facebook Inc. FB +0.25%  and Pinterest Inc., amongst others, is investing $90 million in the field of Tanium Inc., which helps companies pinpoint security threats and handle their rambling workstation networks. Andreessen Horowitz's investment ethics seven-year-old Tanium by the side of $900 million, according to natives familiar with the transaction.

Orion Hindawi, who founded Tanium with his father, assumed the company's equipment offers a near-instant snapshot of potentially malicious software in the field of corporate-computing networks, therefore lets employees wipe ready the redundant software somewhat. Mr. Hindawi assumed many anti-hacker tools, by contrast, undertake companies in order so as to is hours before days old, and can ensue ineffective if companies don't know anywhere to erect security barriers.

Pro Andreessen Horowitz, the Tanium investment trails no more than the $100 million the compress invested in the field of 2012 in the field of software-code startup GitHub Inc. The consider reflects investors' enthusiasm pro a further breed of corporate technologies to grip with digital vulnerabilities in the field of the wake of cyberattacks on Target Corp. TGT -0.77%  and others.

Mr. Hindawi assumed Tanium leads its pitch with security as of companies' crave to shelter themselves, but the equipment and helps customers observe each PC, workstation head waiter and cut of software on a corporate system. Single customer using Tanium found 200 workstation servers so as to weren't being used. It scrapped the hardware by the side of a saving of $2 million a time, Mr. Hindawi assumed.

"Once you realize you can dig up real-time data, it pervades everything so as to you get something done," Mr. Hindawi assumed.

The dual guarantee of security protection and technical-system monitoring is a the makings warning to tech companies such in the function of International production gear Corp. IBM -0.69%  , CA Inc. CA -0.59%  and Symantec Corp. SYMC +0.41%  every sells software-monitoring stations to help companies keep tabs on their computing networks and automate tasks such in the function of updating antivirus software on thousands of computers.

Mr. Hindawi assumed as soon as the "Heartbleed" workstation bug threatened to expose data on many websites, round about companies found their systems-management tools couldn't determine how many of their computers were exposed to the flawed software.

Tanium's founders previously collaborated on security-related startup BigFix Inc., which IBM acquired pro an undisclosed amount in the field of 2010 and incorporated in the field of its systems-monitoring software. While BigFix was still self-regulating in the field of 2007, the Hindawis challenged going on for a dozen employees to develop a upshot to undertake better in order to corporate-tech departments.

They financed the product largely with the proceeds of the BigFix retailing, and honed the equipment pro five years rather than introducing a upshot in the field of 2012. Pro the company's assign, the Hindawis shortened "titanium," which they chose as of the metal's resilience and light import. Of Tanium's 65 employees, Mr. Hindawi assumed near partially and worked on BigFix.

Mr. Hindawi declined to say how many customers Tanium has, but he assumed the equipment is in the field of exploit by the side of tubby credit-card giving out companies, banks and U.S. Government agencies. He assumed Tanium is profitable, but declined to unveil revenue before profit records.

Steven Sinofsky, an Andreessen Horowitz board partner and earlier Microsoft Corp. MSFT +0.41%  executive, is union Tanium's board in the field of connection with the investment.

Mr. Sinofsky assumed an information-technology administrator who used Tanium's software told him he asks his organization to check the phase stamps on all the PCs in the field of the company. Tanium reports the in order in the field of 15 seconds, the administrator assumed, compared with hours pro other systems.

"To an IT chap that's really cool," Mr. Sinofsky assumed.

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